Arun Jaitley’s personality was full of diversity and his nature was friendly to all. Everyone feels his absence: PM

PM addressing at the first ‘Arun Jaitley Memorial Lecture’ (AJML), in New Delhi on July 08, 2022.

New Delhi, July 8, 2022 : The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi attended the first ‘Arun Jaitley Memorial Lecture’ (AJML), by Mr. Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Senior Minister, Government of Singapore, today at New Delhi. The Prime Minister also addressed the gathering during the event.
The Prime Minister fondly remembered his friend, Shri Arun Jaitley, in whose memory today’s programme was held. The Prime Minister said, “When we remember the days gone by, I remember many things about them, many incidents related to them. We all were in awe of his oratory. His personality was full of diversity, his nature was friendly to all.”

The Prime Minister recalled Shri Jaitely’s enduring one-liners. Paying homage to Shri Jaitley, the Prime Minister said that everyone feels his absence.

The Prime Minister thanked Mr. Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Senior Minister, Government of Singapore, for his ‘Arun Jaitley Memorial Lecture’. He praised the depth of his intellect, research and inclusion of local touch in his research.  The Prime Minister said that the topic of today’s lecture “Growth through Inclusivity, Inclusivity through Growth’ is the foundation of the government’s development policy. “In simple terms, this theme, according to me, is Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas”, he said.