New Delhi World Book Fair Starts on FebĀ 10, 2024


New Delhi, February 08, 2024 :New Delhi World Book Fair 2024, a colossal celebration of literature,Ā culture, andĀ intellectual exchange will be inaugurated on 10 February 2024 by Honourable MinisterĀ of Education, Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Shri Dharmendra Pradhan atĀ Bharat Mandapam, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.Ā 

Addressing the media Shri Yuvraj Malik, Director National Book Trust India informedtoday that the much awaited flagship project of the government National Digital LibraryĀ for the children and adolescents will be unveiled. National Digital Library will makeĀ quality books available across geographies, languages, genres and levels, and devicesĀ marking significant milestones in the digitalization of literary resources.

Mr. Malik also informed about the “Books for Allā€ initiative taken by National Book TrustĀ India in collaboration with the Department of Empowerment for Persons withĀ Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt of India where personsĀ with visual disabilities will be provided with free Braille books on production of UDIDĀ cards at the Books for All set up at hall 1. The fair will also showcase a collection ofĀ audio and eBooks.Ā 

On this occasion Chairman, National Book Trust India, Prof. Milind Marathe informedĀ about this yearā€™s theme of the book fair, ā€˜Multilingual India (Bahubhashi Bharat)ā€“a living traditionā€™ which celebrates linguistic diversity of the country. Theme pavilionĀ spread over 1000 sq metre is designed by National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad andĀ showcases the dedicated pavilion showcases a plethora of linguistic expressions throughĀ print, books, e-media, and installations. The integration of the Bhashini (Beta)Ā application underscores a commitment to linguistic inclusivity, enabling seamlessĀ translation across languages. This technological advancement facilitates AI-driven livingĀ and promotes communication in a country known for its code-switching phenomenon.

About 400+ stalls set up by Publishers of Indian languages like Asamiya, Bangla, Gujarati, Hindi, Maithili, Marathi, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Sindhi,Ā Tamil, Urdu stands as a testament to the commitment of NDWBF in promotingĀ publishing in Indian languages.Ā 

Saudi Arabia is Guest of honour for the upcoming edition of New Delhi World Book FairĀ 2024. Addressing the media, Dr. Abdullatif Alwasel, the Publishing General Manager ofĀ the Literature, Publishing, and Translation Commission of Saudi Arabia on this occasionĀ emphasised on the 7 decade old cultural relations with Indian and informed that as partĀ of the bilateral MOU between two countries Saudi Arabia would signed during the visitĀ of Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud in India a 25 member Saudi delegation wouldĀ be showcasing Saudi literature, language, culture and heritage at the New Delhi WorldĀ 

Book Fair. 

This edition of the book festival is spread over 50,000 sq metre and set to be the biggestĀ book fair with more than 1000 publishers from India and abroad. The fair is segmentedĀ into various thematic halls, each dedicated to enriching different facets of the literaryĀ landscape. From the exploration of science, humanities, and philosophy in Hall 1, to theĀ vibrant showcase of publishers of Indian languages and the Lekhak Manch in Hall 2,Ā attendees will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in diverse literary traditionsĀ and discussions. General and Trade Publishers are present in Hall 5.Ā 

Young bibliophiles will be enchanted by Hall 3, where publishers of children’s books andĀ the Children Pavilion will offer a treasure trove of literary delights. Meanwhile, Hall 4 will host foreign publishers and the International Events Corner, fostering cross-culturalĀ dialogue and literary exchange on a global scale.

Another unique addition to the event is the Festival of Festivals, through whichĀ organisers of the fair, national Book Trust, India is providing a platform to literaryĀ festivals of the country. The first edition of the FoF (Festival of Festivals) will have anĀ eclectic mix of more than 100 speakers on the stage of Ahmedabad Lit Fest, The GreatĀ Indian Book Tour, Cine Durbar, Bharat Lit Fest and Pragati E Vichar Lit fest.

Book fair will witness over 1000 book releases by different publishers including the titleĀ ā€˜Igniting Collective Goodnessā€™ based on Mann ki Baat and translated in 12 IndianĀ languages inspired by “Mann ki Baat,” and new titles under the Creating IntellectualĀ 

Heritage Series. 

On the business side of the event, this edition of NDWBF will see participation of moreĀ than 40 countries at New Delhi Rights Table (NDRT), a B2B exchange forum whereĀ more than 500 meetings are planned. The participating countries will include Argentina,Ā Spain, France, Turkiey, Iran, United Kingdom, UAE, Nepal, Bangladesh etc. There isĀ also an exclusive B2B zone set up for the first time at the fair. Organised on the sidelinesĀ of the fair, the 11th edition of CEO Speak will see participation from whoā€™s who ofĀ publishing, digital publishing and start-up ecosystem. Scheduled on 11th February, focusĀ for this yearā€™s CEO speak is on Artificial Intelligence and Multilingual Publishing:Ā 

Challenges and Opportunities. 

Informing about the B2B side of the event, Mr. Malik also informed that the New DelhiĀ Book Fair is the largest book fair of the world in B2C segment and it has generated aĀ great interest among the publishing fraternity across the globe. This year book fair isĀ scheduled to be visited by the CEOs of Frankfurt book fair, London book Fair and MadridĀ book fair.Ā 

On the cultural side, the event will showcase a cultural harmony among the linguisticĀ diversity through performance from bands like Dashugs from Ladakh, The Space folkĀ ensemble from Jammu & Kashmir, Thaikkkudam Bridge from Kerala as well as ofĀ traditional performances like Garba, Odissi, Ragini, Sufi Qawalli etc. Saudi Arabia willĀ present Ardha (sword dance) whereas Russian group will showcase traditional classicĀ dance performance.Ā 

Ms. Hema Maity, General Manager, ITPO, co-organiser of the event informed that EntryĀ to the book fair is free for Children in school uniforms, senior citizens and differentlyĀ abled. She also informed that a food court has been set up at the ITPO grounds for theĀ visitors. Entry for metro commuters is from gate 10 and the nearest metro station isĀ Supreme Court. Other access gates are Gate 4 and Gate 6.Ā 

Tickets are available online on ITPO website as well as on 20 Metro stations of DMRC ā€“namely Welcome, Dilshad Garden, Rithala, GTB Nagar, Vishwavidyalay, Kashmiri Gate,Ā Rajiv Chowk, Noida Sector-52, Noida City Centre, Botanical Garden, Vaishali,Ā Indraprastha, Supreme Court, Mandi House, Kirti Nagar, Dwarka, Munirka, ITO, INAĀ and Hauz Khas, Book-lovers can buy tickets for the New Delhi World Book Fair from 9Ā am to 4 pm.Ā 

Book Fair Timing is from 11 am to 8 pm, 10 to 18 February 2024. 


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