‘Artix 3.0’ A Grand Spectacle of Indian Artistry


New Delhi : The highly anticipated sequel of Artix 3.0 in New Delhi opened avenues to experience the magic of indigenous and global art and artists for art enthusiasts. at The Claridges Hotel, New Delhi. Artix fostered creative visualization that redefined the convergence of textiles and weaves, tribal art, and luxury.

The transformation of hotel rooms into immersive art spaces paved the way to narrate a story of ingenuity and splendour. From bedrooms to washrooms and floors of The Claridges Hotel, each was converted into private preview spaces that elaborated the display of artworks, live installations, and textile art, providing a platform to art lovers and connoisseurs to interact and engage in deep conversations.

With a grand line-up for art galleries including Treasure art gallery, Artrise Art, 108 Art Projects, Bespoke Art Gallery, Ashvita’s, Art Nouveau, Vision Art Gallery to name a few, solo artists Aanchal Garg, Cholamandal, Shobha Broota, Lexicon Art, and Art & You Gallery  contributed to make the event a success. The galleries featured artists like Raza Husain, Sanjay Bhattacharyya, Anjolie’s Ela Menon, and Prabhakar Kolte. Other artists including Shobha Broota, FN Souza, Laxma Goud, and Manu Parekh were also a part of the show. Jewellery designer Heeramaneck & Son Fine Jewellery, International Brand Lotus arts de Vivre and textile, Taranaksh, House Of Tarina, and Chayroot x Prabhu Viswanathan etc, added up to the event. Private collectors Ajay Gupta and Lekha Poddar and photographer Prarthana Modi also participated in the show.

The opening featured an insightful session with Satish Gupta, Prayag Shukla, Sanjay Bhattacharya, Shobha Broota, and Arpana Caur, a curatorial walkthrough by Jyoti Kathpalia, and may more exciting activities were planned in the three day event.

 *In the words of Co-founder Payal Kapoor* , “The third edition of Artix brings in new energy and fresh appeal. Artix 3.0 promises to pep up the art industry as well as shape a new generation of art enthusiasts and collectors. By revolutionising the art landscape, this hotel art exhibition is an intimate affair where buyers and sellers get to know each other and visualise the look of displayed art canvases at their own spaces.”

 *In the words of Co-founder Malvika Poddar* , “Artix not just challenges the normative norms of traditional galleries but also provides a platform to explore the atmosphere of luxury and creativity. The transformation of hotel rooms into private preview spaces provides a unique experience where art enthusiasts can feel the vision of the artists.”

 *In the words of Co-founder Sethu Vaidyanathan* , “Artix 3.0 defies all rules by celebrating all forms of art. It connects the art fraternity by creating a path for artistic talent that transcends boundaries. Artix is a travelling art affair that enables a dynamic display of art, artists, and associated verticals.”

The dedication of visionary trio Payal Kapoor, Malvika Poddar, and Sethu Vaidyanathan led to the successful accomplishment of the third edition, which significantly raised the bar of the unexplored domains of artistic expression. With a vision to become India’s pioneering travelling art fair, Artix plans to extend its reach to Bangalore, Mumbai, Kolkata, and beyond.


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